A specific instrument is required to measure parameters such as current and voltage. Analog and digital multimeters are frequently used to measure current, but they require that the circuit be severed so that the instrument’s test leads may be placed in series into the circuit. In many circumstances, this is not practicable or practical. Cutting the circuit introduces additional hazards, such as electric shock.
In such cases, clamp meters are an excellent alternative. This article provides an in-depth description of how to use a clamp meter as well as safety considerations. A clamp meter is a clothespin-shaped gadget that measures the current carried by a live wire by clamping it around it. Clamp meters use the magnetic field created by current flowing through a wire as a measuring mechanism to determine the current value.
Unlike multimeters, this design has the benefit of being able to measure current without cutting the circuit under measurement.
Clamp meters are simple devices that can measure current and other parameters by clamping around a wire that does not need to be cut. They are simple to operate safely because all that is required is that the instrument is clamped around a wire. However, if used incorrectly, these gadgets can be deadly. As a result, to guarantee safe use, adhere to this article’s recommendations and precautions for selecting and using clamp meters.
Clamp meters have the following advantages: